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Our new Killer B Wireless Headphones are available! Check out the wireless headphone page below for more details!
Killer B is proud to announce the acquisition of the Thresher line of waterproof headphones! For more details, see the waterproof headphones product page.
Our Products
With a legendary legacy, Killer B Headphones are well known to provide comfort, quality, and performance – all at a great price point. Check out our various models to see which one suits your needs.
Experience the perfect blend of style and performance with our Killer B wireless headphones, designed for the ultimate metal detecting experience. – They are almost here…. Launching July 7, 2024!
Are you a water hunter? Then you will love our waterproof headphones, which are a perfect match for your favorite detector!

Are your Killer Bs feeling a bit worn and needing a little freshening up? We can help with that too!

About us
At Killer B Headphones, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of headphone technology for metal detector enthusiasts. Our commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction drives everything we do. With a passion for delivering top-notch products, we strive to enhance the metal detecting experience with precision, quality, and unparalleled performance.
We are always exploring new ideas, but recognize we probably have not developed a product to cover every conceivable scenario. So if you have special need in the way of a headphone, contact us and we will try to accommodate you with a custom order.

Contact Us
Questions about your new Killer B Headphones? Contact us today and we will be happy to assist!